A Place for People at the Heart
of the Queen’s Park Community
What we Offer
If you want to be married at St. Luke’s Church, you need to live in the Parish or have a qualifying connection. Please contact Deacon Julie or look at the Church of England website.
Christening and Baptism mean exactly the same. There is no charge for Baptism. Deacon Julie will need to know the names of Godparents. Please make contact to arrange a date.
If someone you love has died, Deacon Julie can help you to arrange a service that will celebrate their life, either at St. Luke’s Church or at the Crematorium.
Our main service is called a Eucharist which means
‘A Thanksgiving Feast’. Bread and wine is blessed at the
altar and shared with everyone.
The choir practice every Thursday at 7.30pm-9pm. They learn music and sing every Sunday morning, as well as on special occasions.
Sunday School - “Where’s Jesus?”
There will be a new opportunity for children to bring their grown-ups to a 4 O’clock session, with action songs and storytelling about Jesus, starting in March 2022. The Sunday School is looking for a new Leader - could it be You?
Social Gatherings
We enjoy social gatherings, from refreshments after the Eucharist to fund raising charity BINGO nights. You are very welcome.
Hall Hire
Our Church Hall is well used by the community for activity classes and family parties. We usually charge £20 per hour. Email Deacon Julie to enquire about dates/times.
Sales & Fairs
Our Jumble Sales and Spring/Winter Fairs are very popular community events and you may also find Peter selling treasure outside the church on a Saturday morning.